Category Archives: WE ALL ASK

Why, how and what…?

10 Signs of a Healthy Relationship

Healthy relationships are the thing that makes life joyful.
A good life is all about healthy relationships.

A Healthy Relationship Moves at a Comfortable Pace

Relationships are meant to be enjoyable and to enhance our lives. It’s normal to want to have someone in your life! When we first meet a potential partner, we want to spend a lot of time with them. In a healthy relationship, things move at a comfortable pace.

In a healthy or genuine relationship, there’s a kind of excitement and pleasure that’s comfortable. They’re on your mind, yet you still can manage and pay attention to your daily life and your self-care. You feel comfortable telling your friends about this new person in your life.

If this is a healthy dynamic and the beginning of a healthy relationship, you don’t feel rushed, pressured, or overwhelmed. There’s no “swept-up” confusion. There’s no feeling that you have to “catch up” or “do” something or make some kind of commitment “now” – or else.

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Believe Women: Why Don’t We?

Believe women.
How is disbelief of women
still a thing in the 21st century?
Why aren’t women talking about abuse believed?

Believe women. How is it this needs to be said? What is going on that in the 21st century women are still disbelieved when we speak out about a fake-lationship under narcissistic abuse and coercive control…?

Why are women disbelieved when we talk about narcissistic abuse, marital rape, sexual assault, and domestic violence? And what is the cost of this disbelief?

When we’re not believed at a crucial moment we realize we matter little. It’s shocking. Being disbelieved sets us up for further abuse, loss, betrayal, grief, and anger that runs deep.

We can start from right there, wherever we are, and use our feelings and circumstances as a springboard and a function to make change rather than in pain.

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Why Do Sociopaths Have Babies?

There is no love inside the sociopath.
It simply is not there.
Not for you, me, or anyone.
So, why do sociopaths have babies?

Why do sociopaths have babies? Or – if you’re calling these monsters a “narcissist” – why do “narcissists” have babies? Whatever you’re calling these demons they’re having babies they don’t love, don’t connect with, don’t want, and simply see as an object to make use of. Babies they ignore, treat badly, and use as a bargaining chip.

These monster beings have no empathy, no connection, and no guilt. All people outside of their own bodies are things to use to do whatever they want with. They feel they own everyone and everything around them. So, why do sociopaths have babies?

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Why Do We Take Mean Words to Heart?

Words we hear are absorbed
by our neurological system.
In this way emotions, thoughts and beliefs
are formed based on what we hear, even if it’s a lie.

Mean words are common when we’re involved with or entangled by people who use them. If we’ve been in the presence of a narcissist and also if we’ve been ensnared by a sociopath we’ve experienced a lurch in the pit of our stomachs.

We’ve experienced sadness, and drooping self esteem in their presence and still long after they’ve left the room because of their words hurtled at us us like darts. We feel feelings from what they’ve said. This is normal. – This is how normal healthy humans work.

Where Do Our feelings About Mean Words Come From…?

We can learn skills and perspectives to manage or fundamentally transform how we respond to what’s around us.

We, humans, are astonishingly amazing beings. As we’re swept through the riptide of narcissistic abuse and the machinations of a pathological predator we’re influenced by them. This is only natural. This is because whole-humans are influenced by each and everything within our awareness or within our environment.

This means that all things around us have an impact and an effect on us. – This is based on science. It’s how humans are designed, or built or created… It’s what we are. This is normal; it’s how our system – our biology, our neurological system works. There’s no getting around this.

Emotions Feed into Our Feelings, Which Then Make Our World

Okay, here’s how it goes… Our body takes in our surroundings, including the words we hear, and has an emotional response. In this way without us doing a thing, our body – our neurological system – recognizes an emotion which translates to a feeling. Our feelings are individual and nuanced. This feeling becomes a conscious thought based on these feelings that have been generated by our emotional response.

And then finally our body creates a conclusion or a belief about this whole experience. This can happen in a flash, mere milliseconds. It can be that the emotion and the feeling are fairly instantaneous and then the thought and that belief come days later. – And not at all consciously identifiable as being the product of the emotional response and then the feelings we form after receiving those mean words.

So… Humans experience a raw, or root emotion which morphs into a feeling. We might notice this emotion – we might not. We might not be particularly aware of the feeling it inspires.

The feeling though works on it’s own to turn itself into a thought inspired by that original root emotion mingled with our subconscious and things we already “know”.

That thought or those ideas born of the emotions and feelings become a belief. One day they become a proclamation, an announcement we form into words in our minds about ourselves or the world we live in.

Raw Emotions to Feelings to Thoughts to Beliefs

This emotional construct from raw emotions to feelings – to thoughts and ideas – then takes the shape of a belief or conclusion. As it becomes a conscious thought, possibly quite charged with emotion, it may no longer be attached with any awareness in our minds to the original emotional and then feelings experience we had. We also then make a belief that is unattached from the original emotional experience, our feelings or possibly from even those thoughts and ideas that are stirring this all. Make sense?

So where exactly does the belief we arrive at come from? The belief or conclusion does from our beautiful and automatic-mind. It shapes for us the ideas and then this newer belief — based on what we already believe.

The mind does the work without us, incorporating what we already think we know and what we’ve felt and what those feelings mean to us. The mean words then have been the cause-point of our concluding belief. A belief we then live our life from.

Ultimately, the things we believe play into how well we heal – or not. What we believe creates our experience of life. Our beliefs in every way, are the foundation for the limits we place on ourselves, or the dreams we decide we can achieve.

Narcissistic Abuse Unwound Podcast

Mean Words or Kind Words

The same works with words of care, praise or kindness; these in turn inspire positive thoughts and strength or courage. All things filter through our emotional self. Knowing and understanding this is so, so, so, so important in recovering from a trauma.

When highly praised by others, there is no hardship one cannot bear… such is the courage that springs from words of praise. …When criticized one can recklessly cause one’s own ruin.

~ Nichiren Daishonin 12th century Buddhist Monk

Read about recovery sessions
filled with lightbulb moments.

Taking Mean Words to Heart

So, feeling bad and sad after an encounter with a non-pathologically narcissistic person or with a sociopath is normal. However, we can change this and learn how to manage a narcissistic person – and how to exit the scope of the sociopath, aka a “narcissist”, the pathological user and fully restore our lives.

We can learn skills and perspectives to manage or fundamentally transform how we respond to what’s around us, particularly to narcissistic people and even to sociopaths.

Words are all we have and there’s nothing more powerful wherever they’re spoken, from a classroom, to the work place, at a family dinner or in silent prayer.

This comes in part by understanding the things and the people and the words we hear them speak all around us. In addition, this comes within deeper knowledge about our bodies and mind and emotions, our thoughts and beliefs.

Comprehending that they’re all one and the same aspect of ourselves and interconnected. – And that we’re in charge of it all. Including this mysterious neurological system.

Break Down Our Neurological Function: How Words We Hear Create Our Beliefs

Let’s keep this science simple. We can feel this response to words happening in a few small examples. From there, we can carry this concept through to realize how it is that the smear campaign hurts like a nest of hornets attacking.

Example One: Imagine This:

You’re standing in your kitchen. A lemon on your kitchen counter catches your eye. The rounded curves, tapering at the ends to a green and brownish bit where the lemon grew from the lemon tree.

Is your mouth watering…? This is the neurological effect of words, mere words on our entire body system. Imagining this scenario with no lemon in view nevertheless has our body believing there is a lemon.

We experience this as if there were a lemon in our hand, and lemon aroma surrounding us. Our body believes. – We believe we’re experiencing a lemon.

We Believe On So Many Levels

What else happened in your body as you imagined this lemon…? Has your body relaxed…? Did you sigh…? Is your mouth puckering…?

Your body reacted and responded as if a real lemon were really there. From reading words about lemon… And you might have noticed though that whispered in your mind.

The thoughts were words that came to mind depending on how you’ve previously experienced lemons and the emotions they evoke.

How We feel Deeds Into Our Beliefs

All that from words you’re reading off a backlight screen about a lemon that isn’t anywhere in sight! The power of words as they resonate into our ear, sink in, filter through our nervous system is amazing…

And it is everything. All things around us, all we experience transmutes into an emotion, a thought, and then a belief. What are we feeling, thinking and believing…? Who decides what we feel and think and believe…?

Lightbulb moments.
Find your way back to you.

Mean Words Bring a Full Body Response

Mean words hit us hard and ripple through us from head to toe. Hitting our neurological system, adrenaline flows, cortisol spikes, a biological shock wave happens.

Our emotions pitch in with a search for meaning in what was said. We come up with a meaning based on our emotions and our body and our previous life experiences.

Example Two: Imagine This:

You’ve been waiting to hear from your partner, boyfriend, spouse… You’re waiting to hear about what you’re doing Friday night.

There’s a birthday party you want to go to; it’s for your best friend and you want your partner to come with you. You’ve let them know about it and asked them to come with you.

There’s been no reply from them about the party and it’s been two days already. You send a follow-up text asking: You got my text? About Sandy’s birthday…? You’re coming with right..?! I’m super excited about it!!

Instantly after two days of no response, they zing a text back: Get off my back!! Stop asking for things!!! You’re ruining everything.

Mean Words Send Our Hearts Pounding

Did your stomach lurch? Is your heart pounding…? Has your heart rate gone up thudding in your chest, your palms sweating…?

Are anxiety and confusion colliding inside your body? Did your brain kind of shut down..? That’s a normal neurological, physiological, bodily, and emotional response to violent language.

We Take the Smear Campaign to Heart

We can land in a place where their weird, tangled words become ridiculous, meaningless and stay always perverse but shift to a perversion we know is coming for them, and so holds no sway over us – not even their lies.

As normal able-bodied whole-humans, we each have the same neurological system. Words we hear are absorbed by our neurological system. In this way emotions, thoughts and beliefs are formed based on what we hear, even if it’s a lie. Even if it’s out of context, confusing, cruel and strange.

The words hit us and instantly emotions spring up and thoughts and beliefs nearly all in one millisecond. What we feel, what we think and what we believe is rooted in who we are and our previous life experiences combined with our understanding of the person hurling language at us.

Words Are All We Have

Words are all we have. They’re the most powerful tool we’ve got. We can use them well and deliberately, assertively.

Learning to understand the real meaning behind words based on who the speaker is and their intentions and motivations is one way to short circuit absorbing the poison and absorbing it as an emotional response that leads to a limiting belief.

Kind Words Effect Our Feelings and Beliefs

Example Three: Imagine This:

Waking slowly from a heavy sleep you know you’re late for work. Feeling weird, heavy and dizzy you try to get up but can barely manage to roll over on one side.

The realization that you’re sick lifts onto the horizon of your mind. The curtain of brain fog shifts and you remember there’s a project deadline, you’re meant to be at work, people depend on you. There’s a lot of pressure…

You think, maybe I can make it, and lift the covers off your bed one more time trying to sit up and get dressed to go… Maybe you can make it on time. As you sit up your stomach grips and vomit rises from your gut, you barely make it to the bathroom as your face turns pale.

There’s No Way Around It

You puke your guts out. A cold sweat breaks out along your hairline as you rest slumped at the toilet bowl, exhausted for turning your innards inside out. You’ve got to call in sick. You feel guilt creeping in.

You call up the work and ask for your boss’s extension, and say: I’m sick. I really tried but I just can’t make it in. I’m vomiting and feverish and I”m so sorry I just ca — Your boss interjects: That’s fine. No worries! Please take care of yourself. Are you alone or is there someone who can bring you juice or things you’ll need…? Please let me know if we can do something or have anything delivered to you. Please stay in bed. It’s okay. We’ll take care of things here, you get better. Please call for anything we can help with. It’s okay.

Are your eyes tearing up in relief..? Did you feel disbelief…? Have your shoulders dropped in letting go of the guilt…? Does this sound impossible as a response and yet you felt the effect of it anyway?

Normal Humans Are Astonishingly Amazing

This is how amazing we are as fully limbic brained, whole, able-bodied humans. Words are all we have and there’s nothing more powerful wherever they’re spoken, from a classroom to the workplace, at a family dinner or in silent prayer.

Take in the knowledge of how our bodies work and what all those feelings, thoughts and beliefs come from, and how they get there.

Find out how to use words in an expanding, and positive way. Decide what we believe. Deliberately develop an understanding of the scenarios and odyssey through the black hole of hell with a sociopath.

Our Emotional Intelligence and Whole-Humanity Wins Out

Know who’s talking to us. Understand their position, and meaning; their motivation in speaking to us. And as far as the predator goes, truly understand their simplistic motivation so that we can decode their meaning.

This frees us to have an emotional reaction, a thought process and a belief about our experience that match what’s actually happened. This is key. This is true resolution and healing.

We can land in a place where their weird, tangled words become ridiculous, meaningless and stay always perverse but shift to a perversion we know is coming for them, and so holds no sway over us – not even their lies.

The study of language, how it affects us and how to use it effectively is the study of neurolinguistic programming, NPL.

We’re fortunate to have the ability and are free to define our experiences; to create our life and find freedom, joy and real true love and happiness. We are awesome.

Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!

Time to Thrive!

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Have a listen: Narcissistic Abuse Unwound

SD Voyager interview

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Subscribe True Love Scam Recovery Jennifer Smith

As a certified coach, upholding industry standards I strive to inform, educate, invite thought and dialogue, to co-plan, co-strategize, advise, consult, refer, recommend, train, teach, guide and coach people in guided recovery and discovery specific to these crimes, and from hell and broken in the aftermath to whole again, and more. You decide what winning is.

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Affiliate links are in every True Love Scam Recovery article. Clicks on these links provide minor compensation to keep the site running. and its agents are not licensed as attorneys, medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, or therapists. See the entire and full True Love Scam Recovery Privacy Policy and Legal Agreement and Disclaimer here. Thank you.

2019_10_24 2023_01_30

What’s the Smear Campaign All About?

The smear campaign is so painful.
It’s all about the sociopath’s
need to position themselves
to come out smelling like roses.
It doesn’t work. They smell like poop.

The smear campaign… a nightmare inside the nightmare. They go to great lengths to conjure themselves into the role of “victim” in the eyes of their “fans”.  It’s in order to keep empathy falling into their slimy laps, so they can keep taking and using and getting away with it. It’s all smoke and mirrors.

Smear Campaigns are Born of Basic Sociopath Survival Needs

The sociopath is obsessed with making sure no one ever catches on to just how heinous they are. This is their only goal. Looking like the victim and the “good guy” is their ploy to that end. It has to be.

smear campaign narcissist sociopath

This facade feeds into their survival. When we’re smeared across social media, to their family, to our own family, it can seem like everyone believes them. And, sadly, lots of people do believe them… at first.

The truth is, you’d think it’d be easier to pull a rabbit out of a hat than to make people truly believe any sociopath is a good guy or gal – and yet, it seems everyone around us buys into their malarkey.

And at first, they do… hang on though, because eventually they won’t, but still the liar must conjure up their good-guy story. They’re compelled to for their survival.

 Get answers, gain skills to see the truth, and be free.

A Sociopaths Survival is Always Hanging By a Thread

Everything a sociopath says or does is for their survival. It may not seem so to us, as we’re terrified, mystified, and can’t figure out why they’d say what they say… they seem powerful. It seems that everyone believes them, yet inside the sociopath, their knees are knocking. They know their world is made of lies.

Antisocial psychopaths function from a limited range of cognition and are without emotional intelligence due to their abnormal brains. The few remaining intact parts of their brains do include intense and unwavering survival mechanisms, just as does the brain of a cockroach. These are bizarre and dark creatures who run when the light goes on.

The thing is, though it feels like it, the smear campaign is not designed solely to torture us. As much as it seems like it, the sociopath isn’t thinking about us, they’re doing what they always do: They’re thinking of themselves.

Their Only Concern is for Themselves

The focus of a sociopath is obtaining their desires. Ultimately, their strongest desire is for their own safety. This requires getting people to trust them, and the need to get in quick and hit it hard. And finally to make sure they look innocent when the thing falls apart once they’re done ransacking someone’s life.

To this end, they’re busy planting lies and stories about how wonderful they are, and how awful we are well before that last text, “I’m done.” Or that whaling whine, “I’ve tried as hard as I can to make this work. I can’t live like this anymore,” as they exit the scene.

Breaking Up With Evil

Breaking Up with Evil, by Jennifer Smith on Amazon and Good Reads

Breaking Up with Evil: Escaping Coercive Control on Amazon

Five women’s true stories of being ensnared hauled through the confusion, lies, fear, and pain, and breaking away.

Told in their own words, they leave nothing unsaid. Find validation and see new glimpses of the truth as they share their stories… Stories that could be any of ours.

Why Do Sociopaths Smear Their Targets?

Why do they need to talk so badly about us? We did everything! Gave everything; we were incredible, the best boyfriend or girlfriend, wife or husband anyone could be! Then, after all that, this – this is what we get?!!? Yep.

Sociopaths need to preempt the truth about themselves before it walks in the door as often and as hard as they can. We’ve seen them do this many, many times while we were with them. It’s that storytelling thing. It’s one of their basic tactics.

Smearing is nothing more than more of the same from their limited bag of tricks. The pathological predator’s only way to look good is to make others look bad.

Smear Campaigns Begin from the Millisecond After their First “Hello”

We’ve witnessed “smearing” a zillion times while with the sociopath. In retrospect we shake our heads in disbelief as we clearly see talking badly about other people was pretty much the only “conversation” they ever made.

Since it was while we were entranced by them, wanting to make things work out, and about someone else, it didn’t seem so harsh.

They don’t know when enough is enough since they’re devoid of the emotional sensibility of a normal, limbic brained person.

Remember the tale he told about the guy at work who pocketed the office’s petty cash? Then blamed it on the sociopath, so he got fired? And the further insistence that really he was innocent and the other guy was a liar and a thief?

That’s smearing. Remember the one about the ex who cheated, was a drunk and used him for money? Well, that’s us now. Now we’re the story.

“Someone” is Always Behind the Spot They’re in Now

There has always got to be a “someone” as “the story” in a sociopath’s life that is a sob story, a hardship episode they still suffer from. “Someone” has got to be the one who put them in the tight spot they’re in now.

They need this setup so their new prey feels bad for them. This is what lets them borrow money, move in, or whatever they need in “support”. These stories are not ever the truth. Nothing they say is what we think it is or the full truth. The smear campaign is storytelling. It’s the sociopath’s most used tool.

The smear campaign serves another extremely important purpose: it keeps prey, both current and former, from talking to one another. They need us to not band together and piece the truth into the ugly picture that it is. This is the point of the majority of their storytelling and what many call their “triangulation”.

Woven Fantastical Lies Make Up the Tales of Their Past

Every sociopath comes up with a combination of the same things to say about former prey. The basics put out there by a sociopath smearing their prey don’t vary much because, well there are only so many “bad things” you can say about people.

So they call us: crazy, drug addicts, mentally ill, liars, cheaters, or say we beat them. They sometimes like to add in personal jabs such as, we’re fat, lazy, or old and stinky.

The delicious and ridiculous part is their limited skills and tactics come back around to give them away and hang them for the very bad guys they truly are. Let time perform its magic. The truth will out.

They straight out tell stories about our crimes; they say it along with some elaboration, such as, “Don’t talk to Linda. She forged my signature on a check and emptied my bank account… I had to break up with her. And along with all this, they post images of themselves looking happy with a new “wife”, or “boyfriend”. Et voila, abracadabra, we’re bad; they’re good.

Since sociopaths are missing emotional intelligence and haven’t experienced emotions in the way we do, they have no emotional barometer to gauge emotional nuance so they tend to lean into the dramatic.

In other words, they imitate what they think is our genuine experience of emotions in order to seem normal. It’s off the mark and overdone. They don’t know when enough is enough.

Smear Campaign: This is a Time to Defend Ourselves to No One

Sociopaths count on our emotional response. Our emotions in reaction to them can land us right into looking “crazy” so they look “normal” which they need. They wield their pronouncements as “proof” of how yucky and nuts we are.

We run around like a cat chasing its tail trying to defend ourselves and prove them wrong; we get nowhere and for the most part, end up fulfilling their accusations in the eyes of onlookers.

When we defend ourselves on social media posts, to friends of their friends, to their family, it supports their negative false story about us. It makes them look like the good guy and the guy who tells the truth. It just does. Sad but true. Frustrating but real.

Trying to Disprove Their Crazy Makes Us Look Crazy

And more so, defending ourselves tampers with our well-being; when we hop around trying to disprove what they say about us we stay in trauma. If our focus is to disprove the bad things they’ve said we don’t even begin recovery. Because: horror-of-horrors – we’re still in it. They still have us hooked. This is what they want. – Don’t give it to them.

Please: I beg you… explain and defend yourself to no one. If we challenge the things they say where ever those things pop up, speaking out against every story we hear that they’re telling about us, not only will we look crazy – we’ll drive ourselves crazy doing it. Stay no contact. Block them. Keep tales of their stories away from your ears.

Save speaking on your own behalf to where it counts: in court, in legal situations, in reports to authorities that you might make, and your friends or family who fully support you. – The friends and family who don’t get it can be put on the back burner for now.

Smear Campaign and All: We Don’t Stay Their “Story” Forever

Eventually, the sociopath stops and fades into the background. As the days roll by and we stay no contact, they begin to feel smug and certain that we aren’t coming after them or sending people to break their knees or have them arrested or blow their cover to their wife or mom. This is when they lose interest in us and need to put their attention where it bears them fruit.

They have many new people to prey upon, so many juicy, plump, fresh unknowing people to live off of… and more recent “exes” than us. They’ll continue to spin new stories in which the key bad-guy character isn’t us, but some other prey. This is what they do. It isn’t about us. None of any of it was personal. None of it. – This is key to our recovery.

It’s all and only about them using the limited skills they’ve got for their miserable survival. And the delicious and ridiculous part is their limited skills and tactics come back around to give them away and hang them for the very bad guys they truly are. Let time perform its magic. The truth will out.

Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!

Time to Thrive!

Join the podcast!

Have a listen: Narcissistic Abuse Unwound

SD Voyager interview

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Subscribe True Love Scam Recovery Jennifer Smith

As a certified coach, upholding industry standards I strive to inform, educate, invite thought and dialogue, to co-plan, co-strategize, advise, consult, refer, recommend, train, teach, guide and coach people in guided recovery and discovery specific to these crimes, and from hell and broken in the aftermath to whole again, and more. You decide what winning is.

Visit truelovescam’s profile on Pinterest.

True Love Scam on Tumblr.

Affiliate links are in every True Love Scam Recovery article. Clicks on these links provide minor compensation to keep the site running. and its agents are not licensed as attorneys, medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, or therapists. See the entire and full True Love Scam Recovery Privacy Policy and Legal Agreement and Disclaimer here. Thank you.

2017_12_06 2022_10_13

Why Do We Fall for Sociopaths?

Sociopaths don’t mind who they target.
It’s a good day for them as long as
they have several someones in their grip.
Otherwise, they can’t survive.
How do they get us?
Why do we fall for sociopaths and why do we stay?

The sociopath’s uncanny power of influence has roots in the primal, raw place from which they live; they’re parasitic survivalists functioning out of no conscience, no positive human connection, and a deep and abiding, driving fear of being exposed and left with no one believing them. If no one believes them, they have no means to survive.

Sociopaths can’t function in our real world with sustained ability or skill. It might look like they’re really a plumber or an artist… look more closely. That surface of normal ability or accomplishment is a very thin veneer. Underneath it is monster-dirt-bag-lying-parasitic-sociopath. They leech their existence from others; it’s a matter of life and death.

Anamilistic Parasitic Predator by Nature

What is a sociopath and a narcissist? Why do we fall fo rhyme?

Antisocial psychopaths are animalistic in the worst sense. Their “beast” life force pulls on normal humans at a primal bone-marrow level. – If the timing is right – or wrong let’s say – we’re snagged whole in one breath.

The “charm”, diffidence, humility, and “manners” lure us to the sociopath as we value these attributes. The flattery, lending a hand, giving, offering… are nothing more than bait.

In the early days, they can narrow in on us, with a steady gaze and, hang on to our every word. They look deeply into your face, and oddly off to the distance at the same time. Remembering it now I see it as a wild animal hunched in the tall grass scanning the horizon for dinner. Intent, and focused on us, but not in the room for the same reason we are.

The World of the Sociopath is Another Universe from Ours

Sociopaths function from an abnormal brain. In essence, they have the brains of reptiles while we have the brains of puppies. Regions of the sociopath’s brain are under-functioning. To be exact these regions do not function at all. This black-out, blank spot in their minds is where love ought to be. Where caring lives in us. This blacked-out bit of brain matter is the source of their antisocial behavior, thinking, and violence. This is sociopathy…more precisely: psychopathy.

This bit of nonexistent brain can be seen in brain scans. Science is breaking through on this front to the point that the legal system may incorporate limited use of brain imaging scans in court decisions. Every human on the planet is equally a potential target and prey to a sociopath. They’re wired this way… For the sociopath, having a number of simultaneous prey is a matter of life and death.

Breaking Up With Evil

Breaking Up with Evil, by Jennifer Smith on Amazon and Good Reads

Breaking Up with Evil: Escaping Coercive Control on Amazon

Five women’s true stories of being ensnared hauled through the confusion, lies, fear, and pain, and breaking away.

Told in their own words, they leave nothing unsaid. Find validation and see new glimpses of the truth as they share their stories… Stories that could be any of ours.

Lies are Normal to a Sociopath: They See Lies as Real and Real as Made Up

Sociopaths, that is, antisocial psychopaths, feel the efforts they make for their survival are their right. They truly believe that the inevitable fallout that tears apart the lives of their prey, is something the prey deserve. Normal people are despised by sociopaths, we’re thought of as revolting wimps for having and for living by our emotions. 

Lying, the sociopath’s most insidious trait brings disunity and ruin. We wonder if sociopaths “believe” their lies. They do. And they don’t IN their bizarre world real is made up and lies are real. Lying is not a betrayal from their point of view: There is nothing to betray! They are not in a relationship. Plus: they are wired to believe that they can do anything they want to do to anyone and it’s fine. That everything belongs to them.

From their twisted world of destruction lying is normal. Their world is lies. We, on the other hand, believe the sociopath’s lie because embedded within our fundamental wiring is trust.

Pathological Predator, Sociopaths Believe Lies: Even Ours

We can lie to a sociopath and they act from the lie as if it were a truth. In a sense, in their village in hell, there’s no such thing as a lie… we interpret this as the sociopath “believing their own lies.”

There’s more to it than that… Sociopaths know they lie, but they don’t consider it a lie. There’s no discernment or separation between fact and fiction because to a sociopath lies are reality… and reality is made up. Reality changes with each new lie. At any moment. And yet, every lie is true. – That is the circus going on in their heads. They live in an entirely different reality than we do and cannot comprehend ours.

It’s Hard to See What’s Real: We Can and We Will

If we can step up and into wrapping our heads around that and we find deeper freedom from their influence. You can begin to see how impersonal these attacks are. It has nothing to do with us specifically: other than we’re alive and breathing and wholly normal humans.

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Don’t let anyone tell you this happened because of anything about you. And don’t let yourself do that either. We are not responsible for the sociopath’s inhumanity. 

It isn’t that we attract sociopaths. It’s not that we’re co-dependent. We aren’t reeled in because we had bad parents or tough childhoods – even if we did. We get to be who we are.

There’s Nothing About Us that Attracts a Sociopath Aside From Being Normal

They are the antithesis of us. The polar opposite; so far apart it can’t be imagined. . Light years apart. In parallel universes. They live as parasites. Solo, marauding predators. This is the way they are wired.

We’re innately wired to trust, give, unify, make families and groups, build relationships, try, stay, and “fix”. We don’t expect lies. This is how we’re wired by nature…And it’s a gorgeous wiring job!! We get to be who and what we are. By nature we care, connect, trust, bond, bud friendships, relationships, families, communities… This is our natural survival.

Cognitive Dissonance vs. Cognitive Harmony

We’re wired to make sense of anything that doesn’t make sense… “Cognitive dissonance” hits us like a ton of brinks at the odd things they say or do. We must live in cognitive harmony. This is why we “rationalize” or make reasons in our minds for things they say or do.

But – since we don’t have the actual truth of their motivation to balance the dissonance, we use our normal human reasoning and paint in emotional reasons that come from our life palette: we don’t know the reasons that exist in the minds of these pathological creatures. So, we stay off-kilter. This is a part of the trauma.

The Hijacking Into Hell

At its most elemental level, being targeted and hijacked by a sociopath has nothing to do with anything in our lives personally as individuals other than the fact that we’re limbic-brained normal humans. If being human is “wrong, then I don’t want to be “right.”

Every human has fragility…Doubts, fears, and vulnerability as well as strengths and dreams and hopes, and love. You might call it our humanity. This can be tapped by a pathological predatory parasite as if being handed to them on a plate when we believe they’re a normal human being standing in front of us.

Know This: Any person can be scammed by a life-hijacking antisocial psychopath. If we’ve been through it, fully comprehend what happened and fully recovered we have rendered and forged ourselves into limbic brained normal humans who are now sociopath proof. If someone has been through this, but has been misinformed and badly, inaccurately supported out of the hell they are not recovered and they’re susceptible to another sociopath invasion – likely in the very next true love that crosses their path. – Unless you’ve gone through this hell and lived to tell about it – there’s no way to understand it.

Thinking We Found Something Good

There’s nothing “wrong with us” that led to a sociopath invasion other than we’re human and had no idea such monsters existed, or what they look like, what they do, say, want, and need.

We enter into what we believe is real. Real love, or a real business, or the combination of love and business together. We think we’ve found a really special kind of belonging. Getting a fresh start. Embarking on a new adventure. A life. with “the one”, a soulmate, a partner. These are things absolutely every human desires. These desires and expectations are what life is made of.

We’re Normal: Normal is Good, Kind, and Giving and has Emotions

Hooked in and winding down the path of our future with a sociopath we behave as normal humans in a normal relationship or partnership, but – there’s another parallel thread, another reality running underneath and alongside our normal world when we’re paired up with a socio-freak.

The trouble starts; sociopaths come as a bag of chaos. They have things that need to be “fixed”, problems as long as our arms with a co-worker, an old boss, an old roommate, or a neighbor. Someone is wanting money from them that they say they don’t owe. Someone suddenly fired them for no reason. On, and on, and on…

We as normal humans, do our best to manage it – we think we’re tackling it together. It takes time to see that there isn’t much “together” happening and that this person we love (?) isn’t participating in conflict resolution, solutions, progress, or developing what we have, but is… could it be possible… they are the problem…?

Here’s the Thing: A normal human’s “go-to” is to take responsibility and to dive-in to resolving the things that are out of balance, or painful in the relationship we believe is real. – There’s nothing wrong with us. There’s everything right with us.

It’s Normal to Try, to Stay, to Fix: Leaving is What Normal Does Last

This compulsion to hang in there, to “fix,” to work it out is why humans still exist on planet earth. It’s how we create and thrive as families and communities. Imagine if we were to give up on loved ones at the first sign of trouble.

Trauma bonding is normal; it’s human survival mode, wired into our DNA. It’s a mode of survival that occurs when we’re in love with a normal person as well, or when a family member is in crisis. It is human and good.

Imagine if we tossed away our kids if we caught them in a lie about where they were after school or if the dog ate their homework. Imagine if we walked away from our husbands and wives if they lost their job, lost a parent to illness, or became ill themselves. Staying, working on it, and resolving is what humans do.

Side Note: Personally… I wasn’t love-bombed, I wasn’t praised, I wasn’t flattered, there was none of that going on to be so-called “addicted” too. Yet, I met and married him in seven-days time. By day three of knowing him a wave of panic washed over me – I felt I couldn’t live without him. This sensation shocked me to the roof and confused me — as I felt it. So… what is it? Here’s what I think: sociopaths have an uncanny, power of influence related to the primal level they exist from. They have the power, the effect of something wild, and riveting – like a lion we make eye contact with suddenly, unexpectedly on the lions home territory. We’re shocked we’re there. How’d we get in the lion’s back yard? We can’t look away. Something deep inside is grabbed and hooked. Primal. Raw. Sociopaths live from a life-and-death survival place that’s activated in us; we don’t recognize the feeling. We’ve never needed to use this part of ourselves… We need to call it something, that’s normal and human, though we’re stumped. We can’t call it something we don’t know exists, and we don’t recognize it as fear… We decide it’s “love” because love is all we know, we don’t know monsters and this deception adn parasitic madness exists – and certainly, we don’t know how to recognize that happening within us.

Know There is Nothing “Wrong” with Us

When in these circumstances with a sociopath we see strange behavior, we see them take too much and give nothing and we see no changes.

And then when we see enough to see that this is not normal and is nothing we can recognize even within normal-but-not-going-well… we go – or get them out. – There’s nothing wrong with us. It takes as long as it takes. 

Do not allow anyone to take this gorgeous, human innate trait and twist it to blame us for these hijackings. Know the significance of this kind of remark: “Why did you stay?” And, “You must be co-dependent and have low self-esteem.” And, “How did you let that happen?!”

There Are People Who Just Won’t Understand

People with this response to our ride in hell are filled with misconceptions of humans and human behavior that have been the paradigm of psychotherapy, counseling, and our culture for years now.

They’re out of step, flat-out wrong, and incorrect in general in regard to any relationship counseling. And 100% inaccurate and harmful and the cause of more trauma in the aftermath of a life-jacking sociopath.

Wrap Ourselves in Compassion

Put the benefit of the doubt towards ourselves. Embrace our lives. Enfold ourselves in compassion. Appreciate the gorgeous loving, trusting qualities pulsing in our DNA. Value our humanity.

Increase and deepen our interconnectedness and interdependence as living beings sharing this planet. Let this newfound knowledge of the possibility in life for both evil and great good inspire us to seek how to manifest and expand our own true and pure good. We are awesome.

Courage is the force that makes our lives brilliant. ~ Daisaku Ikeda

A tune from my sweet friend, Ada Pasternak, “Hope” – on Sound Cloud

I’ve been down and out. Filled with doubt.
Had this little heart of mine kicked around.
On the sunniest day the sky can seem gray.
All of these battles they’ve made me fierce.
Crying doesn’t make me weak;
it’s my soul just trying to speak.

… believe that tomorrow will hold a silver lining to all of the sorrow.

~ Hope, Ada Pasternak

Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!


Time to Thrive!

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As a certified coach, upholding industry standards I strive to inform, educate, invite thought and dialogue, to co-plan, co-strategize, advise, consult, refer, recommend, train, teach, guide and coach people in guided recovery and discovery specific to these crimes, and from hell and broken in the aftermath to whole again, and more. You decide what winning is.

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Affiliate links are in every True Love Scam Recovery article. Clicks on these links provide minor compensation to keep the site running. and its agents are not licensed as attorneys, medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, or therapists. See the entire and full True Love Scam Recovery Privacy Policy and Legal Agreement and Disclaimer here. Thank you.

2017_11_12 >>REWRITE REPUB > 2022_11_19. 2023_07_21

Why Isn’t Love Enough?

Is love all we need?
It might be… if we’re talking about
a relationship with a puppy.
So many things make our world,
but most of all it’s our beliefs
that shape our experiences.

We hear a lot of things about relationships, about marriage, and what makes them work; “love” is always the bottom line: “If you love each other.”

We also hear: relationships are hard work. And stories of love at first sight, or being swept off our feet. We’ve all heard the adage that says love conquers all, and have been told that all couples fight.

When things go wrong we’re counseled by well-meaning friends or family with things like boys will be boys. And you still might hear that a woman’s place is in the home. And when things are really rough someone might tell us, you made your bed, now lie in it. – To my way of thinking, “love” somehow got lost in here.

“Unconditional” Loves Makes Room for Bad Behavior

narcissists do not love narcissistic abuse

It’s said that true and real love is meant to be unconditional, as well as some who say the legal contract of marriage is phooey and, that it’s only a piece of paper.

There are so many expressions describing the experience of love, let’s look at more of them: we fall into it; we’re crazy in it. Sick with it, and: all’s fair in love and war.

If you think about it, you’ll come up with a barrel full and more of these platitudes floating around. We’ve all heard all of them. We all absorb them unconsciously, or believe them all the way.

I have to say, personally, none of these sentiments cause me to want to be hit by cupid’s arrow. A really important question to ask ourselves is: How do our beliefs about love help us and how do they cause us to suffer?

What Do These Metaphors Mean About Our Expectations in Relationships?

Relationships are Hard Work

Are they? Is this a fact..? I coined a slogan long ago from my own experience in relationships: when it’s right, it’s easy. – Isn’t this just as valid? – What’s “right” has to be factored in. We won’t get “easy” if we want different things when it comes to the big questions in life like where to live, how to live and having kids or not.

Honestly when it comes down to it things won’t last if we have different ideas of what’s funny, or favorite foods or eating styles. Vegan vs. fast food is not going to have many happy meals together. A smoker vs. a runner is going to have a short lap around the track at best.

Narcissistic abuse recovery sessions.
Read all about it here.

Love at First Sight

This is kinda romantic and yes, there can be a primal pull to someone, an attraction that goes deep, but actual l.o.v.e…? Not so much. That would take more time. Guess who wants us to think the real deal happens in one instant?

Swept Off Our Feet

Yes! That adrenaline rush and that floaty feeling like our feet left the floor and our head is full of clouds. That sounds very unstable. Like being out of control…and it is just that. This isn’t the time to jump into a commitment. It’s time to take a step back. It usually signifies something isn’t quite right, or isn’t really for us.

What Truly Conquers All in Life?

If only love conquered all. We love our dolls when we’re little; that doesn’t stop them from getting dirty or lost. Our goldfish captures our hearts; they still stink up the glass bowl and die anyway. Never being defeated by loss or grief, or life’s ups and downs, now that conquers all.

It’s Noble and Poetic to Stick Around No Matter What

William Shakespeare: Sonnet 116

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wand’ring bark,
Whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken.
Love’s not Time’s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle’s compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me prov’d,
I never writ, nor no man ever lov’d.

Every Couple Fights

Do they…? First of all, what constitutes a fight? Screaming? Throwing things, ignoring us, calling us fat? Wwho would do that…? What the heck is there to fight about? In my experience, when it’s right it’s easy. There’s nothing to fight about.

Boys Will Be Boys

Really…? We know who likes this one. This palliative phrase echos another historical era, like when people thought the earth was flat, and believed if we walked far enough we’d fall off the edge. Boys need to eventually be men. And men and boys will be held accountable. If they are subhuman as a pathological user then, bye-bye.

A Woman’s Place is in the Home

Hey, I love home. Home is where the heart is. And as women we have a place outside the home too. Again, the earth is no longer flat and girdles are not required.

You Made Your Bed

Life is about creating what ever we want. We’re never stuck in any one place. This is from those flat-earth and earlier beliefs. When women were property and even as near to now as the 1980’s when women had to fight to get a bank loan to by a house on their own.

Our Beliefs About Love Create Our Experience

It’s Only a Piece of Paper

As if marriage is unimportant and the legalities and life changing effects therein are “only a piece of paper”. Nope. A marriage certificate is not “only a piece of paper.” In legalities alone there are many, many binding alterations to our life. Those are in place until we divorce them. That nightmare-ish process is another can of legal worms, and includes myriad little pieces of paper I’m sure most of us hold in high esteem.

And then in real life terms being a wife or husband is entirely another realm than boyfriend territory even if you live together. Anyone who’s been married knows the experience of that something that kicks in that makes everything different. This is a life bond.

Marriage, from an emotional or spiritual and legal stand point is far beyond a piece of paper, even if we don’t know that until we experience it.

Understand and heal PTSD.

If It’s Real It’s Unconditional

This sentiment is a bizarre notion. To me it signifies a free hall pass to any and all (bad) behavior within a relationship. Nope. Not a good idea.

Unconditional acceptance is for babies, actual infants, not grown men and women. Pathological predators depend heavily on our concept of this kind of love in order to use us. To me unconditional love is reserved for babies and puppies, so to speak.

We’re “Crazy In Love”

The pathological predator, a sociopath is incapable of feeling love. Love is nothing to a sociopath. We are their prey. They are dependent upon us. There’s no love going on here.

This expression about how it feels to love is natural. It can seem whirlwind and so exciting and we’re crazy about them! What we’re discovering is that there are situations that are full of chaos, trauma and legitimate fear. This is not “crazy in love” this is the trauma of being involved in anyway with a pathological user.

In the aftermath of this mess, when we talk about our feelings to others, they’re cool at first – maybe. Typically at a certain point things flip and we get a sense hat they think we’re crazy. Being entangled into a fake-latioinship by a sociopath feels like crazy and we start to think we’re crazy. We aren’t crazy. Recovery from crazy is possible.

We “Fall Into” Love

Fall…? Remember falling…? Like from childhood. Falling, was bad. It hurt. It was a loss of control, an absence of safety. A lack of choice. An accident. Traumatic. Falling happened to us, we didn’t decide to do it. How is this related to love…? Does this concept need to be a part of our ideas about how we love?

We’re “Sick” with Love

I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t want to be sick with anything. I get it, that longing that aches and is the pain of wanting someone. Especially if they go out of town, or already have a girlfriend or boyfriend, or they don’t seem to notice us. But – uhh – that was high school.

All’s Fair in Love …and War

Where the heck did that come from? Come on. No. It isn’t. Personally, I think there’s nothing fair whatsoever in war. And I firmly believe that all is meant to be fair in love unless you’re meaning it’s fair to lie. Nope: that’s not fair at all. That’s criminal.

Why Isn’t Love Enough?

The nasty pathological predator counts on our surrender to love, our complete trust in love combined with our lack of understanding that this kind of predator exists and what that means.

They depend on us buying into the idea that we’re blinded by it; that it’s enough, that love doesn’t question, that it never dies, that if it’s “true”, it lasts forever and until death do us part. In reality with a pathological predator, such as a narcopath (a sociopath), it was never there and we typically only know that after they’ve parted us from our health, money, property, sanity and dignity.

Are There Other Ways to Conceptualize and Live Out Love?

How many concepts of love can you think of? There’s a fool for it, and that other person is our better half. We’ve all heard what’s his name from that movie say: you complete me. – Sorry Tom, but that’s just not our job.

Make a list of as many ideas stuffed into little idioms or platitudes that you can think of. Then think baout how they contribute to confusion or maybe pain. Then check out the TED talk below for some great ones and alternatives for new ways to think about and experience love.

What If We Think About Matters of the Heart a New Way?

What if we thought of love differently? For example, as something we partnered in? Or stepped or walked into rather than fell into? If we turned the popular concepts we live from into new thinking, such as: we collaborate in love? That we create it, build it. Grow into it and within it. Choose it and harmonize in it. Imagine if those feelings of love could be enough if we thought of them in a new way.

Here’s a great TED Talk discussing how we think of love and how this shapes our experience of love, Just like with all things in life: from our perspective, our expectations, our beliefs that determine and give us the fortitude and wisdom to conquer all.

Mandy Len Catron – A Better Way to Talk About Love

Ms. Catron works with words and language and talks about how we think of love as a form of madness, and metal illness, and it’s full of violence and we fall into it, and are smitten by it as a vengeance from an angry God. What if instead, love were a collaborative work of art?

Love Is How and What We Make It

The pathological predator, a sociopath is incapable of feeling love. Love is nothing to a sociopath. We are their prey. They are dependent upon us. There’s no love going on here.

Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!

Feel free to email me for coaching at personalized rates,

Time to Thrive!

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As a certified coach, upholding industry standards I strive to inform, educate, invite thought and dialogue, to co-plan, co-strategize, advise, consult, refer, recommend, train, teach, guide and coach people in guided recovery and discovery specific to these crimes, and from hell and broken in the aftermath to whole again, and more. You decide what winning is.

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Affiliate links are in every True Love Scam Recovery article. Clicks on these links provide minor compensation to keep the site running. and its agents are not licensed as attorneys, medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, or therapists. See the entire and full True Love Scam Recovery Privacy Policy and Legal Agreement and Disclaimer here. Thank you.

2017_02_11 2021_10_08

Do Sociopaths Love Their Kids?

We’d like to believe
sociopaths love their kids.
Would this be a mistake at the expense
of any gorgeous children in their clutches?

Can narcissistic sociopaths love their kids? (every sociopath is 100% narcissistic.) We’d certainly like to think every parent loves their children. When a sociopath ensnares us, and we’re in the throes of getting away and trying to put together what we were dragged through, it’s Twilight Zone enough to absorb the idea that they did’t love us, let alone pondering if sociopaths love their kids or not.

But we see the kids forgotten, abused, ordered around, yelled at, manipulated, and hurt, and It’s a question we have to ask and get the real answer to.

Everything a narcissist aka a sociopath does has a specific reason. Their motivation and reasons for what they say and what they do are rooted in their very simplistic way of looking at life. – When we understand this, why this is, and what this is, we win.

Do Sociopaths Love Their Kids?

Any sociopath can observe that we normal people think having kids is the normal and expected thing to do, and that we cherish kids. The (narcissist) sociopath is all about attempts to get others to believe they’re normal so they can make use of us, and they prefer us to think they’re really great as well. With that agenda, what better way than to come across as someone who adores kids?

do sociopaths love their kids

As amazing and lovable as our kids are, no matter how much we love them – the sociopath does not love their kids. Most sociopaths simply abandon their kids…or eventually, do so. As horrible as this sounds: this is the best situation for you and the children.

As hard as it is, please realize, that we’re lucky if they walk away and are never heard from again. No child benefits from a sociopath hanging around in their lives.

Remember, sociopaths fake all caring and any seemingly loving emotions. They really and truly feel none of it. They do pretend to care about kids… it can seem real through our hopeful view of things.

The very bizarre truth is that narcissistic sociopaths love no one. Sociopaths do not love their kids. The person you’re thinking of as a narcissist does not love their kids. They do use their kids just as they’re using us and anyone else who crosses their path.

What would getting your kids safely away mean to you?

Why Do Sociopaths Act Like They Love Their Kids?

Narcissists aka sociopaths do and say all they do and say in order to get what they want. That’s truly their only inspiration. A pathological user (a narcissist) a sociopath uses any means they can think of in order to get what they want, to get away with what they do, and to maintain a facade of a “good reputation” as they do it and in the aftermath.

I asked the nut-bag I married if he had any kids. He said, I have kids all over the world. I kinda thought, hmmm, then decided he meant he was a person who really loved kids, but had none because who the heck could have kids all over the world? – Well, turns out he did. 18 kids in five countries, at last count. All abandoned by him, used by him when possible, their mother’s lives periodically re-invaded, and all unloved by him.

Breaking Up With Evil

Breaking Up with Evil, by Jennifer Smith on Amazon and Good Reads

Breaking Up with Evil: Escaping Coercive Control on Amazon

Five women’s true stories of being ensnared hauled through the confusion, lies, fear, and pain, and breaking away.

Told in their own words, they leave nothing unsaid. Find validation and see new glimpses of the truth as they share their stories… Stories that could be any of ours.

Sociopaths Pretend to Love Their Children

So, as part seem normal and like a great person – in order to continue getting away with their bad behavior and cover what they really think and feel… a part of their persona is to pretend to love their kids, especially when other people are watching. They put on this show in an effort to convince someone else that they’re a great person, and normal.

Posing as a loving parent is meant to hook or to influence other’s opinions of them in a positive way. Sociopaths (narcissists) do nothing genuinely kind or caring for their kids. the kids are a tool, an object just as adults are.

do sociopaths love their kids

Most people don’t do bad things to children. There’s no end to what a sociopath might do since they’re without stops, boundaries or limits because of the limited functionality of their brains.

Since narc-predators (sociopaths) make no caring connection to any living being, they also have no conscience. Kids, just as adults and all others, are seen as if they’re paper doll cutouts to make use of as they desire…little toys laid out on the floor.

They truly believe that every “toy” belongs to them. That each thing and each person is theirs to take. That’s a human, a thing, the pot of gold at the end of someone else’s rainbow… The antisocial psychopath has no concern for what we consider “right and wrong.”

A parent without a conscience does not and cannot love their kids. A being that makes no connection, no positive bonds, has no humanity cannot parent in any way. They do and only cause harm to their children they are in contact with.

There Are No Limits to Their Lack of Humanity

Please don’t panic, but do consider the worst of the worst as far as harm to children from a sociopath parent, neighbor, or friend.

To a sociopath, kids are fair game. Lots of things in life can change, but this cannot. For a sociopath, the dynamics between a child and themselves are fundamentally no different than the dynamics between a sociopath and an adult. The sociopath’s abnormal brain leaves them stuck this way. They can be nothing else.

Appearing Normal vs. Being Normal

Antisocial psychopaths aka sociopaths do, however, observe that in the normal people’s world, our world, there’s a vast difference between how we act towards a child versus how we behave towards an adult.

They do know that in order to appear as normal they too must seem to know this difference. They try to mimic it along with everything else about us. however, they’re really, really bad at this one. this. They slip-up in shocking and obvious ways, and fail miserably at it just as they do with everything else.

Sociopaths have no love for anyone. They have different biology, a different brain. They have no idea what the sensation of love feels like.

Sociopaths (Narcissists) Act Like They Love Their Kids

Sociopaths pretend to love their kids when the child has a price tag. This can be to get child support or to get out of paying it. 

Male sociopaths go to court to get their kids to get out of a court order to pay child support. Which is incredibly ridiculous, since they don’t pay child support even when it is court-ordered except under one circumstance.

Female Sociopaths Are The Same As Male Sociopaths

Female sociopaths (narcissists) are not above claiming false domestic violence and abuse so they can take the kids. Their goal is naturally as for any narcissistic sociopath to look like a good and normal person, but further, it’s to get spousal and child maintenance. Female sociopaths do not love their kids. – Even when you’re calling them a narcissist but they’re really a sociopath.

Sociopaths -narcissists- are simplistic, predictable and limited creatures. Sociopaths don’t love or want their children – unless there’s something to gain by acting like they love their kids they usually walk away and that’s a good thins.

Know we can turn a sociopath’s weakness and limitations – the sociopath’s deep and constant fear and fragile, house-of-cards existence – to our advantage. Save the children. Live again.

Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!


Time to Thrive!

Join the podcast!

Have a listen: Narcissistic Abuse Unwound

SD Voyager interview

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Subscribe True Love Scam Recovery Jennifer Smith

As a certified coach, upholding industry standards I strive to inform, educate, invite thought and dialogue, to co-plan, co-strategize, advise, consult, refer, recommend, train, teach, guide and coach people in guided recovery and discovery specific to these crimes, and from hell and broken in the aftermath to whole again, and more. You decide what winning is.

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Affiliate links are in every True Love Scam Recovery article. Clicks on these links provide minor compensation to keep the site running. and its agents are not licensed as attorneys, medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, or therapists. See the entire and full True Love Scam Recovery Privacy Policy and Legal Agreement and Disclaimer here. Thank you.

2017_02_08 2023_11_09

Why Are Sociopaths Called Antisocial?

Why are sociopaths called antisocial?
These freaks love to party and hang.
They chat and charm and dance and joke.
Why do we call them “antisocial” when
they need other people.

Why Are Sociopaths Called Antisocial?

Sociopaths are called antisocial because – hold onto your hats – there’s more than one meaning of the word antisocial! In their case, it doesn’t mean being shy or reluctant to be with others in a group setting. Amazing. Who’d a thunk it.

One of the myriad roadblocks to realizing just what it is we’re facing is misinterpreting or not understanding the meaning of this little word: “antisocial”.

Defining What the Antisocial Is In A Sociopath

guided coaching recovery after narcissistic abuse

This little four-syllable word – that people assume they already know the meaning to – trips people up. It’s natural to think it doesn’t make sense because the guy or gal in their living nightmare is very “social” rather than “antisocial” and doesn’t like parties or have many friends or some such.

This notion that you know what the word means -as applied to this kind of deceptive and ruinous human without a conscience – keeps far too many people from investigating more deeply into who and what it is they have gotten entangled with.

So then, in turn, they look to the other concepts floating around online and on social media to explain this person’s heinous behavior. Most commonly landing on “narcissist”.

Add in these other terms out there: narc, narcopath, and the narcissist in all its varieties, well, this falsely assures far too many people for too long that they’re only in love with a “narcissist” when in fact… It’s much, much worse. And more confusing, because some definitions and platitudes out there are related to a sociopath yet described under the name “narcissist”, and other describing factors are 100% off the mark. Very confusing… and delays recovery.

Want more amazing bits that unlock the confusion and settle the mess?

Defining “Antisocial”

Here it goes, here’s a definition of this sticky little word antisocial from the Oxford English Dictionary – the most massive, most amazing dictionary on the planet. There are two definitions.

  1. Opposed to sociability; averse to companionship.
  2. Opposed to the principles on which society is constituted.

Definition number one above, of the word “antisocial”, is the one we’re most familiar with. It’s the one that gets us saying, no they can’t be a sociopath because they have friends. And also we think, she’s really fun at BBQs! Or, yeah but he’s around people all the time. They love going out! So, they can’t be an “antisocial psychopath”. – I get that. But there’s more.

Definition Number Two Describes the Sociopath

Definition number two pertains to the clinical term related to a sociopath, an antisocial psychopath, or a person of antisocial personality disorder, as defined by the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition).

Breaking Up With Evil

Breaking Up with Evil, by Jennifer Smith on Amazon and Good Reads

Breaking Up with Evil: Escaping Coercive Control on Amazon

Five women’s true stories of being ensnared hauled through the confusion, lies, fear, and pain, and breaking away.

Told in their own words, they leave nothing unsaid. Find validation and see new glimpses of the truth as they share their stories… Stories that could be any of ours.

Antisocial Psychopaths Are Sociopaths aka Psychopaths

As described by David Porter, MA, LAD: “The term antisocial may be confusing to the lay public, as the more common definition outside of clinical usage is an individual who is a loner or socially isolated.

The literal meaning of the word antisocial can be more descriptive to both the lay public and professionals: to be anti-social, is to be against society; against rules, norms, laws, and acceptable behavior. Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder tend to be charismatic, attractive, and very good at obtaining sympathy from others; for example, describing themselves as the victim of injustice. …

Antisocials possess a superficial charm, they can be thoughtful an dcunning and have an intuitive ability to rapidly observe and analyze others, determine their needs and preferences, and present it in a manner to facilitate manipulation and exploitation. They are able to harm and use other people in this manner, without remorse, guilt, shame, or regret.”

~ Theravive, by David Porter, MA, LAD (They also think they’re the greatest thing since sliced bread.)

Modern Languages Come from Latin: Anti Means: Against

Our words for medical diagnosis and terminology as well as a huge part of our everyday English language come from ancient, toga-wearing people who spoke Latin in ye-olde-school, ancient Rome. Lots of beginnings and endings and even middle sections of our words are Latin.

The beginnings of words are called: “prefixes”; here’s a bunch: anti, post, sub, pre, non as beginnings. You can probably think of some right off the bat: Substitute, post-trauma, predetermined, nonexistent. Interested in language, read more about Latin roots, suffixes, and prefixes.

Also here are some endings you know in everyday language but might not have known that they’re Latin. We call these “suffixes”. Here’s a few: ment, as in “supple-ment”; ify, as in ver-ify and ident-ify; ation, as in perfor-ation and restor-ation; able, as in “cap-able”. There are tons.

English is Derived from Older English and Latin

Anti is a word straight out of Latin and Rome. If you put the word anti into Google Translate and select the translation from English into Latin, you know what you get? – Anti.

Anti in English is anti in Latin. In old-school Latin anti means: to be or to go against (something), to be outside (of something), or opposed (to something).

ASPD and Antisocial Psychopaths Refer to Con Artists, Scammers, and Yes: Killers

So…antisocial psychopaths or persons of antisocial personality disorder, don’t mind parties at all, they kinda thrive on being social and any place with lots of people, including online, is the prime hunting ground. They need us and others so, so much.

Sociopaths are called antisocial because they function against and outside of normal, expected behavior. These people do things without thinking twice that we’d never even conceived of doing, much less do and behave in an anti- (against) social- (society) manner. Their behavior goes against the grain of what’s okay. And boy-howdy… Don’t they…?

Our Safety Is Most Important

So let me ask you… Does it help to get to the bottom of your bizarre, painful, and dire situation to think of them as just a narcissist? Or would there be more life-saving, pain prevention, and protection in diving in and stripping things down?

Ponder the realities and consider if this view would get more done for your safety and recovery: Looking at it from the point of view that this person will do anything they can think of doing in order to make use of you, or to get whatever they want, and to have things their way and to not be stopped. – That my friend is a sociopath: they function outside of and against the expected and accepted norms of society.

We Win

They need us. We do not need them. This is the hardest thing you’ll ever go through. The number one concern is that you clear the fog and protect your life. They have been through this break-up many, many, many times before and will again and again long after they’ve ridden off into the sunset.

As we explore removing them from our lives and then restoration: we don’t need to pretend they’re normal; they know what they are. – That said, keep your discoveries to yourself and end the entanglement safely. They need us; we don’t need them.

Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!

Time to Thrive!

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As a certified coach, upholding industry standards I strive to inform, educate, invite thought and dialogue, to co-plan, co-strategize, advise, consult, refer, recommend, train, teach, guide and coach people in guided recovery and discovery specific to these crimes, and from hell and broken in the aftermath to whole again, and more. You decide what winning is.

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