Tag Archives: how do you know if a relationship is healthy

10 Signs of a Healthy Relationship

Healthy relationships are the thing that makes life joyful.
A good life is all about healthy relationships.

A Healthy Relationship Moves at a Comfortable Pace

Relationships are meant to be enjoyable and to enhance our lives. It’s normal to want to have someone in your life! When we first meet a potential partner, we want to spend a lot of time with them. In a healthy relationship, things move at a comfortable pace.

In a healthy or genuine relationship, there’s a kind of excitement and pleasure that’s comfortable. They’re on your mind, yet you still can manage and pay attention to your daily life and your self-care. You feel comfortable telling your friends about this new person in your life.

If this is a healthy dynamic and the beginning of a healthy relationship, you don’t feel rushed, pressured, or overwhelmed. There’s no “swept-up” confusion. There’s no feeling that you have to “catch up” or “do” something or make some kind of commitment “now” – or else.

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