Why Do Sociopaths Have Babies?

There is no love inside the sociopath.
It simply is not there.
Not for you, me, or anyone.
So, why do sociopaths have babies?

Why do sociopaths have babies? Or – if you’re calling these monsters a “narcissist” – why do “narcissists” have babies? Whatever you’re calling these demons they’re having babies they don’t love, don’t connect with, don’t want, and simply see as an object to make use of. Babies they ignore, treat badly, and use as a bargaining chip.

These monster beings have no empathy, no connection, and no guilt. All people outside of their own bodies are things to use to do whatever they want with. They feel they own everyone and everything around them. So, why do sociopaths have babies?

Normal Means Protecting Our Children

When a sociopath is the biological parent of our children, many hardships and suffering come into our lives. The children are best served by removing this other parent from their lives entirely.

Naturally, this isn’t always what happens. It isn’t always an easy thing to do. Many things come into play. If we’ve been in the mess of life ensnared by a sociopath and have their child the ensuing confusion and pain are colossal.

Why Do Sociopaths Have Babies?

Babies to us normal people are cute and cuddle-ie. For the pathological user, a baby is something to use. That’s because pathological users are pathological users: period. They use all people, all situations, all things to the same degree and for the same motivation at all times.

It’s so hard to grasp that this could be true. For us, this is so unbelievable and so horrific. To the non-connecting, conscious-less parent it’s easy-peasy, and their normal, to have no concern or care for a baby. So, why do sociopaths have kids?

There are Three Reasons Sociopaths Have Babies

  • Money and/or real property (ie: your house)
  • To appear normal
  • A link “back in” to take and use as they desire or need over years and years to come

And – until we take all this in and accept that these creatures exist, there’s a fourth unwavering yet incredibly confounding and frustrating reason sociopaths have babies and do any and all of the things they do: They can’t *not* be what they are.

Sociopaths Have Babies For Money

Children and babies create what sociopaths see as a permanent open doorway into someone’s life should they need it, as well as a money stream. They know a child means the earth to normal people and that as long as we don’t know what a pathological user is and what that means… we stay in longer when children are on the scene.

Female sociopaths know that courts and the world at large feel a man must continue to pay out child maintenance and/or spousal maintenance. In this way, for the female sociopath, the baby is a paycheck.

Survival Benefits of Sociopaths Having Babies

Man holding a baby sociopaths having babies why

Having babies gives the sociopath a sense of having done something well.

They feel they’ve done a great job getting a permanent hook into someone in order to secure their own future survival.

Notice how male sociopaths refuse to wear condoms…? Impregnating someone gives the sociopath a sense of pride in a “job well done”. That “job” they imagine they’ve done well is to fulfill their innate survival need: to look normal – to pass as normal – so that they can use people and take from people.

in particular, having babies for the majority of female sociopaths is all about a paycheck and property. This though can also apply to male sociopaths. And for all sociopaths babies represent a forever door to walk inside your life and take and use. And, yes, this is the deal even if you’re calling them a “narcissist” or a “narc” or “narcopath”.

Babies Are a Part of Most Sociopaths’ Survival

Babies and children provide a front, they create a good impression of the sociopath to others; it makes them look normal to others, which leads to more money, more property, places to stay, and their survival. Sociopaths having babies gives them a sense of accomplishment towards their own survival and it brings them pride because, after all, they’re the King of the World.

Breaking Up With Evil

Breaking Up with Evil, by Jennifer Smith on Amazon and Good Reads

Breaking Up with Evil: Escaping Coercive Control on Amazon

Five women’s true stories of being ensnared hauled through the confusion, lies, fear, and pain, and breaking away.

Told in their own words, they leave nothing unsaid. Find validation and see new glimpses of the truth as they share their stories… Stories that could be any of ours.

Narcissistic Abuse Unwound: The Podcast

Sociopaths Use Babies as Bait and a Prop

Children are objects and a commodity to a sociopath. In particular for male sociopaths or female sociopaths pursuing women, children enhance their tool-kit: kids are bait for other women in the sense that having a kid makes them seem normal. The kids are a prop.

When a baby comes into the picture, particularly when it’s within a legal marriage, lots of miraculous things come into place. These things are so wonderful when between two normal folks.

For the sociopath, these legal bindings play to their dark desires. Along with the marriage – inherent in the contract of marriage – a binding legal agreement governed and dedicated by law – comes rights such as property rights, and laws of possession.

Emotions Hook Us Into Sociopaths Having Babies

Not only do legal and contractual things fall into place when a child comes on the scene, with or without marriage but so do emotions. These emotions normal people experience now become the rope that binds us to a sociopath. After all, who doesn’t want the baby to have a father, or be cared for by their mother?

Yikes. When that mother or father is a sociopath our job becomes to keep the child from that monster at all costs. Their work is to keep playing the baby, the courts, normal emotions, our lack of awareness as to what they really are for a paycheck, and that ever-needed respectability facade of “normal”.

Sociopaths Have Babies to Look Normal

Looking normal is a sociopath’s main job. All day, when other people are around they pull a face on top of their real face, which is that of a monster. Pathological predators try as hard as they can to keep a normal face. They need this “normal” posturing in order to get their hooks in, keep their hooks in, and get those babies as insurance that they have a foot in the door of our lives. So, there’s this thing we call a “mask”.

On the whole, they are not very successful at this. tend to see them as “experts” and even “geniuses”, or “great actors”. And why wouldn’t we? We’re basing this on our feelings of total surprise and utter shock at the deceptions and our belief in them.

We Have Babies Because We Are Normal

The thing is, we want babies. genuinely want babies – that’s if we’ve decided we want a baby and if they introduce the idea, we assume they want a baby for the reasons we do, for the reasons normal people want babies. We believe they’re normal too.

We believe them because it’s normal to believe people. And: Because we didn’t know there was this possibility of a lying, thieving life-jacking monster. So in this way, can you shift your gaze around this thinking to another explanation? To see, or at least consider, that in reality maybe they aren’t so talented?

But instead, maybe human beings – regular human beings – can’t see something we don’t know exists. From this angle, we can see that “mask” as potentially being formed more by us and our normal expectations of how humans behave and our normal innate hard-wired bonding and believing functions than from them.

This revolutionary (not easily seen and not talked about) concept of where the mask comes from is life-changing for us. It isn’t a criticism of us or a fault in us. This doesn’t put us further on the back foot: This causes us to see our power in the situation. Our goodness. Their “badness”… And I hope for you to take off the glitter and sparkling awe we hold for their diabolical “abilities”.

Narcissistic Abuse Unwound: The Podcast

The Mask and More

In addition to keeping their face in place – literally, physically, they’ve got to paint some markers around themselves that give of the signal of “normal”. These markers are things like money… flashing cash, a place of employment or a self-employment venture, and children, babies… but not too many.

This is why we’re told about a few children, but usually not their multiple batches and litters. – Children are objects and a commodity to a sociopath. In particular for male sociopaths or female sociopaths pursuing women, children enhance their tool-kit: kids are bait for other women in the sense that having a kid makes them seem normal. The kids are a prop. (And, yes, this is true even if you’re still calling them a “narcissist” or a “narc” or “narcopath”.)

Safeguard Your Children

As early as possible we are best off if we learn how to maneuver the sociopath out of the child’s life. Here’s the thing: there’s one thing we and the sociopath have completely in common: we both want them gone. As in, we want them gone, and news flash: they want to be gone as well.

The sociopath’s ultimate and only motivation and goal is to do whatever they like whenever they like and to get away with it. – Yes, if you’re calling them a narcissist, a narc, a narcopath… Then yes, this stands as the reality. These are sociopathic creatures. Sociopaths.

What Does A Sociopath Want?

What the sociopath – a pathological user – wants most is to roam free, unencumbered, regardless of spouses, jobs (if they have one), children, parents, siblings, or any other human. They do not want to give up their toys or their cash – wherever they might have gotten or stolen those things. Once babies come on the scene – unless they gain financially or in some other key and significant way by hanging onto those babies, ultimately they don’t want them.

What the sociopaths want is to be able to slip away. They want to go away. How ironic, in this case, we both want the same thing. And we can facilitate this. How we facilitate this depends on the details of your circumstances.

The first step is to learn how to decode “sociopath-speak”. Every word they say has meaning far beyond hurting our feelings, way past – and more specific than for “power” or “control”. Knowing the sociopath’s language which is so different from our own, is the beginning of setting yourself free.

Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!

Time to Thrive!

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