Tag Archives: do sociopaths love their kids?

Do Sociopaths Love Their Kids?

We’d like to believe
sociopaths love their kids.
Would this be a mistake at the expense
of any gorgeous children in their clutches?

Can narcissistic sociopaths love their kids? (every sociopath is 100% narcissistic.) We’d certainly like to think every parent loves their children. When a sociopath ensnares us, and we’re in the throes of getting away and trying to put together what we were dragged through, it’s Twilight Zone enough to absorb the idea that they did’t love us, let alone pondering if sociopaths love their kids or not.

But we see the kids forgotten, abused, ordered around, yelled at, manipulated, and hurt, and It’s a question we have to ask and get the real answer to.

Everything a narcissist aka a sociopath does has a specific reason. Their motivation and reasons for what they say and what they do are rooted in their very simplistic way of looking at life. – When we understand this, why this is, and what this is, we win.

Do Sociopaths Love Their Kids?

Any sociopath can observe that we normal people think having kids is the normal and expected thing to do, and that we cherish kids. The (narcissist) sociopath is all about attempts to get others to believe they’re normal so they can make use of us, and they prefer us to think they’re really great as well. With that agenda, what better way than to come across as someone who adores kids?

do sociopaths love their kids

As amazing and lovable as our kids are, no matter how much we love them – the sociopath does not love their kids. Most sociopaths simply abandon their kids…or eventually, do so. As horrible as this sounds: this is the best situation for you and the children.

As hard as it is, please realize, that we’re lucky if they walk away and are never heard from again. No child benefits from a sociopath hanging around in their lives.

Remember, sociopaths fake all caring and any seemingly loving emotions. They really and truly feel none of it. They do pretend to care about kids… it can seem real through our hopeful view of things.

The very bizarre truth is that narcissistic sociopaths love no one. Sociopaths do not love their kids. The person you’re thinking of as a narcissist does not love their kids. They do use their kids just as they’re using us and anyone else who crosses their path.

What would getting your kids safely away mean to you?

Why Do Sociopaths Act Like They Love Their Kids?

Narcissists aka sociopaths do and say all they do and say in order to get what they want. That’s truly their only inspiration. A pathological user (a narcissist) a sociopath uses any means they can think of in order to get what they want, to get away with what they do, and to maintain a facade of a “good reputation” as they do it and in the aftermath.

I asked the nut-bag I married if he had any kids. He said, I have kids all over the world. I kinda thought, hmmm, then decided he meant he was a person who really loved kids, but had none because who the heck could have kids all over the world? – Well, turns out he did. 18 kids in five countries, at last count. All abandoned by him, used by him when possible, their mother’s lives periodically re-invaded, and all unloved by him.

Breaking Up With Evil

Breaking Up with Evil, by Jennifer Smith on Amazon and Good Reads

Breaking Up with Evil: Escaping Coercive Control on Amazon

Five women’s true stories of being ensnared hauled through the confusion, lies, fear, and pain, and breaking away.

Told in their own words, they leave nothing unsaid. Find validation and see new glimpses of the truth as they share their stories… Stories that could be any of ours.

Sociopaths Pretend to Love Their Children

So, as part seem normal and like a great person – in order to continue getting away with their bad behavior and cover what they really think and feel… a part of their persona is to pretend to love their kids, especially when other people are watching. They put on this show in an effort to convince someone else that they’re a great person, and normal.

Posing as a loving parent is meant to hook or to influence other’s opinions of them in a positive way. Sociopaths (narcissists) do nothing genuinely kind or caring for their kids. the kids are a tool, an object just as adults are.

do sociopaths love their kids

Most people don’t do bad things to children. There’s no end to what a sociopath might do since they’re without stops, boundaries or limits because of the limited functionality of their brains.

Since narc-predators (sociopaths) make no caring connection to any living being, they also have no conscience. Kids, just as adults and all others, are seen as if they’re paper doll cutouts to make use of as they desire…little toys laid out on the floor.

They truly believe that every “toy” belongs to them. That each thing and each person is theirs to take. That’s a human, a thing, the pot of gold at the end of someone else’s rainbow… The antisocial psychopath has no concern for what we consider “right and wrong.”

A parent without a conscience does not and cannot love their kids. A being that makes no connection, no positive bonds, has no humanity cannot parent in any way. They do and only cause harm to their children they are in contact with.

There Are No Limits to Their Lack of Humanity

Please don’t panic, but do consider the worst of the worst as far as harm to children from a sociopath parent, neighbor, or friend.

To a sociopath, kids are fair game. Lots of things in life can change, but this cannot. For a sociopath, the dynamics between a child and themselves are fundamentally no different than the dynamics between a sociopath and an adult. The sociopath’s abnormal brain leaves them stuck this way. They can be nothing else.

Appearing Normal vs. Being Normal

Antisocial psychopaths aka sociopaths do, however, observe that in the normal people’s world, our world, there’s a vast difference between how we act towards a child versus how we behave towards an adult.

They do know that in order to appear as normal they too must seem to know this difference. They try to mimic it along with everything else about us. however, they’re really, really bad at this one. this. They slip-up in shocking and obvious ways, and fail miserably at it just as they do with everything else.

Sociopaths have no love for anyone. They have different biology, a different brain. They have no idea what the sensation of love feels like.

Sociopaths (Narcissists) Act Like They Love Their Kids

Sociopaths pretend to love their kids when the child has a price tag. This can be to get child support or to get out of paying it. 

Male sociopaths go to court to get their kids to get out of a court order to pay child support. Which is incredibly ridiculous, since they don’t pay child support even when it is court-ordered except under one circumstance.

Female Sociopaths Are The Same As Male Sociopaths

Female sociopaths (narcissists) are not above claiming false domestic violence and abuse so they can take the kids. Their goal is naturally as for any narcissistic sociopath to look like a good and normal person, but further, it’s to get spousal and child maintenance. Female sociopaths do not love their kids. – Even when you’re calling them a narcissist but they’re really a sociopath.

Sociopaths -narcissists- are simplistic, predictable and limited creatures. Sociopaths don’t love or want their children – unless there’s something to gain by acting like they love their kids they usually walk away and that’s a good thins.

Know we can turn a sociopath’s weakness and limitations – the sociopath’s deep and constant fear and fragile, house-of-cards existence – to our advantage. Save the children. Live again.

Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!


Time to Thrive!

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Have a listen: Narcissistic Abuse Unwound

SD Voyager interview

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As a certified coach, upholding industry standards I strive to inform, educate, invite thought and dialogue, to co-plan, co-strategize, advise, consult, refer, recommend, train, teach, guide and coach people in guided recovery and discovery specific to these crimes, and from hell and broken in the aftermath to whole again, and more. You decide what winning is.

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Affiliate links are in every True Love Scam Recovery article. Clicks on these links provide minor compensation to keep the site running. www.truelovescam.com and its agents are not licensed as attorneys, medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, or therapists. See the entire and full True Love Scam Recovery Privacy Policy and Legal Agreement and Disclaimer here. Thank you.

2017_02_08 2023_11_09

3 Dangers of Female Sociopaths

Female sociopaths exist. Big time.
In their empty souls
they’re the same as any sociopath.
They do use feminine charm to take and to ruin.

Female sociopaths aka narcissists and male sociopaths possess the same malfunctioning brain that leaves their hearts barren. They have no love, no genuine care or concern for anyone besides themselves.


It’s a reality, no matter what century we’re in, no matter the culture, though in some cultures far more than others that we expect women to be loving and nurturing mothers and loyal and monogamous and assume they are.

The unexpectedness of encountering a woman who is the antithesis of all this to the point of bare evil is traumatic. It sends us spinning into a prolonged state of disbelief.

To be fair, encountering any sociopath is traumatic: even when we don’t know that they’re a sociopath. There is undeniably an extra jolt when we do realize the person in front of us is a sociopath and female. This natural and normal disbelief on our part, buys them further time to wreak havoc in the lives of their prey.

That expectation of women beign sweet and lovig and sugar and spice is used as a tool by female sociopaths. Let me give a shout out to what’s real: most women are nurturing and loving. And – news flash – so are most men.

Normal Sees the World Through Normal: That’s Normal

The gorgeous humans, who fall into the traps of a sociopath aka who fall into the traps of a narcissist, are some of the most amazing humans on the planet.

If they sense you will possibly reveal them publically or to authorities as the wrongdoer expect some kind of deep smear. This is how they protect themselves, by weaving this kind of false and fraudulent set-up, putting you in the guilty seat.

The men who fall into this hell are incredible – as are the women… this though, is a case for so many of us who feel “there are no good men out there“. I’m here to tell you that there are.

There are indeed good men. The one’s who I work with in recovery sessions blow me away with their kindness, their pride in monogamy, their respect for women, and their huge hearts. Good men exist – and the female sociopaths who prey upon them count upon this goodness to twist them around. – This is how every sociopath works. Our normal, our innate goodness and human qualites are snatched up and used to swing us like a cat by its tail.

Restore your life.
There’s nothing about you that made this happen.

Are There Really Female Sociopaths?

Female sociopaths aka female narcissists exist. They’re identical to male sociopaths in their empty souls and evil guts. For them, using feminine charm and lurid sexuality to take and to ruin is fair play. Depending upon our assumptions about what it means to be female, we’re possibly in for a harder and darker ride.

Sociopaths aka narcissists exist in every gender, in every social or economic class. You can find them in any religion, at a University, in any bar, in the laundromat, and at a wine tasting.

Fraudsters comprise about 95% of the profiles on dating apps which are absolutely packed with them. They can be – and are – anywhere and in every walk of life. Some of them even pose as people trying to help the prey of sociopaths to heal and recover. – They’re liars.

The Podcast: Narcissistic Abuse Unwound

3 Dangers of Female Sociopaths aka Female Narcissists

Being female gives the female sociopath aka the female narcissist an extra special bit of opportunity to make use of others.

  • Marriage: Community property and access to monetary support and property
  • Pregnancy: Life long financal support and open predatory access to you
  • Criminal charges: Domestic abuse, and rape

Why Do Female Sociopaths Marry?

Female sociopaths marry in order to gain financially or socially, to obtain possessions or respectability – only. There’s no love involved. They sign up with the intention of being supported by their spouse while they do whatever they like including still preying upon other men (or women).

As the predators they are, the female sociopath will push so hard for marriage they’ve been known to buy their own engagement rings. Divorce is usually the ultimate goal; ideally, this brings high alimony, a big settlement, or property.

Traditional Gender Roles Tip Into the Female Sociopath’s Hand

Being 100% supported financially by their male prey is a go-to for female sociopaths; they do hit the jack-pot fairly readily with this one sliding right into this traditional relationship dynamic.

All the while they’re sleeping with a whole team, a fleet, a crew, a slew of other men, women or both just as male sociopaths do. Please, see a doctor and have STD tests done. Female sociopaths are just as evil as male sociopaths. There’s no sugar and spice to be found inside the outwardly female pathological user.

More to Know: Yes, there are both male and female sociopaths. Sociopaths present themselves to the world mainly as their obvious biological gender, but are in fact something we could only call, genderless. Read more about the genderless nature of sociopaths here: Sociopaths Sexual Boundaries.

Heal PTSD from narcissistic abuse.
Breakthroughs and understanding.

Pregnancy: a Smoke Screen for “Normal”

Unexpected or not, pregnancy can bring the sweet scent of “normal” and more importantly big bucks for years and years to a female sociopath. And guess what, it doesn’t matter if she has this innocent child with a male or female target.

Women of antisocial personality disorder, ASPD – also many times called narcissists and thoght to be NPD, have fewer children than male sociopaths. The male sociopath aka narcissist populates the earth indiscriminately with many children that they leave by the wayside. Female sociopaths want to bear children in limited quantities for some pretty basic reasons:

  • The annoyance of pregnancy; it puts a damper on scamming
  • Pregnancy makes changes in their looks perceived to reduce their seductiveness
  • Children are not genuinely wanted and are not loved; they are a meal ticket

Every Sociopath aka Narcissist Cares Only About Personal Gain

Aside from possessing a child creating the necessary public persona of “normal”, female sociopaths have children for these other reasons: money, money, and money. Once a child is on the scene they can legitimately demand support and whether married or not, they take men to court to get it. In marriage and in divorce this plot includes taking your property.

All the while they’re sleeping with a whole team, a fleet, a crew, a slew of other men, women or both just as male sociopaths do.

Unwanted and surprise pregnancies or coerced “plans” for children all have the same motivation and result. Poking holes into condoms and lies about birth control or infertility are basic for a sociopath. If you have children with a female sociopath, consider DNA testing the babies. The results might not change your feelings for the children, but they can absolutely change court orders.

Children can bring big-bank to the female sociopath, and while you may be willing to voluntarily support financially in some way, the court-ordered maintenance is extortion when the pregnancy is a surprise, or attributed to the wrong man. 

Domestic Violence: Staged, Forced, and Faked to Cry “Victim”

Female sociopaths commonly create a wife-beater scenario. It dovetails with the sociopath’s need to seem like the victim, and further this is a style of self-defense as is any kind of smear campaign.

In this kind of attack the sociopath – male or female or any gender – is attempting to make their case for this so that their story is the one that is believed and the focus is shifted to their prey – that is to you – as the wrongdoer.

Self-Harm to Blame You

They do this in two ways. She will become violent to incite a response of violence. By hitting first, the hope is that the man – or woman – will hit them back. If this doesn’t work, they have other options.

Female sociopaths are just as evil as male sociopaths. There’s no sugar and spice to be found inside the outwardly female pathological user.

Female sociopaths aka narcissists are known to inflict self-injury and claim that you did it to them…they could throw themselves into the edge of the coffee table. Bang their heads on the shower wall. Smash their own arms with a hammer… Blacken and bruise their own body and legs.

They might call the cops at the moment of beating themselves up or instead they take pictures of the blood and bruises, then later file police reports of abuse based on this craziness. – Each of these examples is a situation I’ve seen.

Claim Rape to Set Themselves Free

It is not at all beyond the female sociopath aka narcissist to claim rape. This makes staying away from them crucial. Keeping them away from your home, and not going to theirs is critical. If this is a co-worker, never be alone with them in an office or other room at your place of work. If this is unavoidable, leave the doors open.

Not meeting anywhere at all becomes serious for you as prey when the sociopath is ramping up into trying to subdue you. this occurs as they begin to see you as a threat to their own facade and freedom. If they sense you will possibly reveal them publically or to authorities as the wrongdoer expect some kind of deep smear. This is how they protect themselves, by weaving this kind of false and fraudulent set-up, putting you in the guilty seat.

Protect Yourself from Court and Jail

There are, unfortunately, restraining orders, and wins in domestic violence, or rape charge legal battles based on false allegations staged by female sociopaths. – Take the prospect of court or legal charges seriously. Find out how to position yourself to win against false claims.

Save every email, every text, and SMS. These can become proof of their lies. Do not respond to them. Go no contact and keep no contact as the only real protection against this. No contact is life-saving.

Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!

Time to Thrive!

Join the podcast!

Have a listen: Narcissistic Abuse Unwound

SD Voyager interview

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As a certified coach, upholding industry standards I strive to inform, educate, invite thought and dialogue, to co-plan, co-strategize, advise, consult, refer, recommend, train, teach, guide and coach people in guided recovery and discovery specific to these crimes, and from hell and broken in the aftermath to whole again, and more. You decide what winning is.

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Affiliate links are in every True Love Scam Recovery article. Clicks on these links provide minor compensation to keep the site running. www.truelovescam.com and its agents are not licensed as attorneys, medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, or therapists. See the entire and full True Love Scam Recovery Privacy Policy and Legal Agreement and Disclaimer here. Thank you.

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