Tag Archives: in debt from a sociopath husband

Privacy, Security and Finances After a Narcissist or Sociopath

After a sociopath or narc
blows through your world, privacy really matters.
You can remain anonymous and get your life back.

Privacy and anonymity matter after a narc or sociopath rampages through our life. Go full no contact and get off marketing call lists too! And… raise your credit score after they trashed it.

Let’s be real. In the aftermath, our PTSD minds are filled with fear. There’s a time period of terror after the sociopath is gone, and after no contact, we’re still spooked. For sure. Maybe for a while, that’s okay. It’s also normal. And honestly, caution is wise and reasonable.

Privacy now becomes a real issue that may have been very much on the back burner before we were burned by a sociopath or narcissist. Here’s how we can keep our privacy and still participate in the digital world.

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